; Copyright 2023 The Plunder Authors
; All rights reserved
; This file is written in the Sire programing language.
; This file *implements* the Sire programing language.
; In other words, this code is used to compile itself.
; Plunder systems do not directly include a language. Instead,
; this language is the seed from which Plunder systems are "Sired".
; The Sire language is very minimal, offering essentially only
; lambdas and a simple Lisp-style macro system.
; Sire lambdas are translated into PLAN laws through a simple,
; well-known process called "lambda lifting". Everything else is
; built-up from the four trivial pimops provided by PLAN.
; Sire syntax is essentially a layout-aware version of the
; S-expression system used by Lisp.
#### sire
= (Pin i) | ##0 i
= (Law n a b) | ##1 n a b
= (Inc m) | ##2 m
= (Case p l a z m o) | ##3 p l a z m o
= (Die x) | ##die x
= (PlanCase p l a n x) | Case p l a n _&n x
= (NatCase z p x) | Case _&z (_ _ _)&z (_ _)&z z p x
= (Force x) | Law 0 1 0-x 0
= (Seq x y) | NatCase y _&y x
= (DeepSeq x y) | Seq (Force x) y
= (Trace x y) | DeepSeq x y
= (DeepTrace x y) | DeepSeq x y
= (IsPin x) | PlanCase _&1 (_ _ _)&0 (_ _)&0 0 x
= (IsLaw x) | PlanCase _&0 (_ _ _)&1 (_ _)&0 0 x
= (IsApp x) | PlanCase _&0 (_ _ _)&0 (_ _)&1 0 x
= (IsNat x) | PlanCase _&0 (_ _ _)&0 (_ _)&0 1 x
= (PlanTag x) | PlanCase _&0 (_ _ _)&1 (_ _)&2 3 x
= (PinItem x) | PlanCase i&i (_ _ _)&0 (_ _)&0 0 x
= (LawName x) | PlanCase _&0 (i _ _)&i (_ _)&0 0 x
= (LawArgs x) | PlanCase _&0 (_ i _)&i (_ _)&0 0 x
= (LawBody x) | PlanCase _&0 (_ _ i)&i (_ _)&0 0 x
= (Car x) | PlanCase _&(##0) (n a _)&(##1 n a) (h _)&h 0 x
= (Cdr x) | PlanCase i&i (_ _ b)&b (_ t)&t 0 x
= (Eqz x) | Case _&0 (_ _ _)&0 (_ _)&0 1 _&0 x
= (Eq1 x) | NatCase 0 Eqz x
= (Eq2 x) | NatCase 0 Eq1 x
= (Strict n x) | NatCase x m&(Seq x Strict-m) n
= (traceId x) | Trace x x
= (deepTraceId x) | DeepTrace x x
= (**traced tag x) | Trace (0 tag x) x
= dTrk | DeepTrace
= trk | Trace
(TRUE = 1)(FALSE = 0)
= (If x t e) | NatCase t _&e (Eqz x)
= (Ifz x t e) | If x e t
= (Not x) | If x 0 1
= (Bit x) | If x 1 0
= (And x y) | If x y x
= (Or x y) | If x x y
= (Xor x y) | If x (Not y) y
= (Nand x y) | If x (Not y) 1
= (Nor x y) | If x 0 (Not y)
= (Xnor x y) | If x y (Not y)
= (**else x) | x
= (Nat x) | NatCase 0 Inc x
= (Dec x) | NatCase 0 i&i x
= (Times f z x) | NatCase z (Times f f-z) x
= (Add x y) | Times Inc (Nat x) y
= (Mul x y) | Times (Add x) 0 y
= (Sub x y) | Times Dec (Nat x) y
= (Pow b p) | Times (Mul b) 1 p
= (Bex p) | Pow 2 p
(LT = 0)(EQ = 1)(GT = 2)
= (OrdWeld x y) | If (Eq1 x) y x
= (natLte x y) | Not (Sub x y)
= (natLth x y) | natLte Inc-x y
= (natGte x y) | natLte y x
= (natGth x y) | natLth y x
= (natEql x y) | And natLte-y-x natLte-x-y
= (natMin x y) | If natLte-x-y x y
= (natMax x y) | If natGte-x-y x y
= (natCmp x y) | natMin 2 (Sub Inc-x y)
= (Div x y) | If (natLth x y) 0 Inc-(Div (Sub x y) y)
= (Mod x y) | Sub x (Mul y | Div x y)
= (DivCeil n m) | Div (Add n | Dec m) m
= (DivMod x y) | 0 (Div x y) (Mod x y)
= (Lsh v n) | Mul (Bex n) v
= (Rsh v n) | Div v (Bex n)
= (Trunc w n) | Mod n Bex-w
= (BitSlice o w n) | Trunc w (Rsh n o)
= (BitIx i n) | BitSlice i 1 n
= (BitSz n) | And n | Inc BitSz-(Div n 2)
= (PopCount n) | And n | Add (Mod n 2) PopCount-(Div n 2)
= (BitSet i n) | If (BitIx i n) n (Add Bex-i n)
= (BitClear i n) | Ifz (BitIx i n) n (Sub n Bex-i)
= (Sz v) | And IsApp-v Inc-(Sz Car-v)
= (bruh r i) | Cdr (Times Car r i)
= (Br i r f) | NatCase f (bruh r) (Sub Sz-r i)
= (Ix i r) | Br i r 0
= (opp v r i) | Ifz i (Car r v) (opp v Car-r Dec-i Cdr-r)
= (Up i v r) | NatCase r (opp v r) (Sub Sz-r i)
= (Hd x) | Ifz IsApp-x x Hd-(Car x)
= (Last xs) | And IsApp-xs Cdr-xs
= (Null x) | Not IsApp-x
(OrdTag x)=(PlanCase _&1 (_ _ _)&2 (_ _)&3 0 x)
= (Cmp x y)
@ ox OrdTag-x
| OrdWeld (natCmp ox OrdTag-y)
@ natCase | natCmp x y
@ pinCase | Cmp PinItem-x PinItem-y
@ appCase | OrdWeld (Cmp Car-x Car-y) (Cmp Cdr-x Cdr-y)
@ lawCase | OrdWeld (natCmp LawName-x LawName-y)
| OrdWeld (natCmp LawArgs-x LawArgs-y)
(Cmp LawBody-x LawBody-y)
| Ix ox (0 natCase pinCase lawCase appCase)
= (Lth x y) | Eqz (Cmp x y)
= (Eql x y) | Eq1 (Cmp x y)
= (Gth x y) | Eq2 (Cmp x y)
= (Neq x y) | Not (Eql x y)
= (Lte x y) | Not (Gth x y)
= (Gte x y) | Not (Lth x y)
= (Min x y) | If (Lth x y) x y
= (Max x y) | If (Gth x y) x y
= (Find f x)
^ _ 0 Sz-x
? (go i rem)
| Ifz rem i
| If f-(Ix i x) i
| go Inc-i Dec-rem
= (FindEq e x) | Find Eql-e x
= (Any f x) | Neq Sz-x (Find f x)
= (Has e x) | Neq Sz-x (FindEq e x)
= (Switch ks k bs fb) | Br (FindEq k ks) bs fb
= (Search key row stride low end)
@ mid | Div (Add low end) 2
@ ix | Mul stride mid
| If (Gte low end) (Mul ix 2)
| Ix | Cmp key (Ix ix row)
| 0
(Search key row stride low mid)
(Inc | Mul ix 2)
(Search key row stride Inc-mid end)
= (searchSet key row) | Search key row 1 0 Sz-row
= (searchTab key row) | Search key row 2 0 (Div Sz-row 2)
= (foldr f z row)
^ _ 0 Sz-row
? (go i rem)
| Ifz rem z
| f (Ix i row)
| go (Inc i) (Dec rem)
= (foldri f z row)
^ _ 0 Sz-row
? (go i rem)
| Ifz rem z
| f i (Ix i row)
| go (Inc i) (Dec rem)
= (foldl f z row)
^ _ z 0 Sz-row
? (go acc i rem)
| Seq i
| Seq acc
| Ifz rem acc
| go (f acc | Ix i row) (Inc i) (Dec rem)
= (Gen n f)
^ _ Nat-n
? (go i)
| And i (go Dec-i | f Dec-i)
= (Weld x y)
@ xw | Sz x
@ yw | Sz y
| Gen (Add xw yw)
& i
| If (Lth i xw) (Ix i x)
| Ix (Sub i xw) y
= (Insert ix val row)
| Gen (Inc Sz-row)
& i
| Ix (Cmp i ix)
| 0 (Ix i row) val (Ix Dec-i row)
= (Splice at new old)
| Gen (Add Sz-new Sz-old)
& i
@ j | Sub i at
@ newSz | Sz new
| If (Lth i at) (Ix i old)
| If (Lth j newSz) (Ix j new)
| Ix (Sub i newSz) old
= (Map f v) | Gen Sz-v x&(f | Ix x v)
= (Rev row) | (wid @ Sz row)(Gen wid i&(Ix (Sub wid Inc-i) row))
= fst | Ix 0
= snd | Ix 1
= thr | Ix 2
= (Cons x xs) | Weld (0 x) xs
= (Snoc xs x) | Weld xs (0 x)
= (**put r i v) | Up i v r
= (**get r i) | Ix i r
= (**foreach x f) | Map f x
= (Rep i n) | Gen n _&i
= (rowAnd v) | foldr And TRUE v
= (sum v) | foldl Add 0 v
= (all f v) | rowAnd (Map f v)
= (Cat vs) | foldl Weld 0 vs
= (CatMap f r) | Cat (Map f r)
= (ZipWith f a b) | Gen (Min Sz-a Sz-b) i&(f Ix-i-a Ix-i-b)
= (Zip a b) | ZipWith 0 a b
= (Slash v s e) | Gen (Sub e s) i&(get v | Add s i)
= (Slice v s e) | Slash v s (Min e | Sz v)
= (Drop n v) | Slice v n (Sz v)
= (Take n v) | Slice v 0 n
(FillR f l)=(Ifz l f | FillR f snd-l fst-l)
= (Fill f l)
^ _ l f
? (go l acc)
| Ifz l acc
| go snd-l (acc fst-l)
(OpArity i)=(Br i (0 1 3 1 6) 1)
= (Arity x)
@ p | i&(If IsNat-i OpArity-i Arity-i)
@ l | (_ a _)&a
@ a | (f _)&(Dec (Arity f))
@ n 0
| PlanCase p l a n x
(c tag)=(tag ##rex)
(WORD = c-{WORD})(TEXT = c-{TEXT})(LINE = c-{LINE})(OPEN = c-{OPEN})
(NEST = c-{NEST})(INFX = c-{INFX})(PREF = c-{PREF})(SHUT = c-{SHUT})
(EMBD = c-{EMBD})
= (rexRune x) | If (Neq 4 | Sz x) 0 | Ix 1 x
= (rexSetRune r x) | If (Neq 4 | Sz x) x | Up 1 r x
= (rexHeir x) @ i (Dec Sz-x) | Ifz Dec-i 0 | Ix i x
= (rexSetHeir h x) @ i (Dec Sz-x) | Ifz Dec-i x | Up i h x
= (rexText x) | If (Neq 3 | Sz x) 0 | Ix 1 x
= (rexSetText t x) | If (Neq 3 | Sz x) x | Up 1 t x
= (rexSons x) | If (Neq 4 | Sz x) 0 | Ix 2 x
= (rexSetSons s x) | If (Neq 4 | Sz x) x | Up 2 s x
= (rexEmbd x) | If (Neq 2 | Sz x) 0 | Ix 1 x
= (rexIsEmbd rex) | Eql 2 Sz-rex
= (rexIsLeaf rex) | Eql 3 Sz-rex
= (rexIsNode rex) | Eql 4 Sz-rex
= (rexType rex) | Ix (Sub Sz-rex 2) (0 {EMBD} {LEAF} {NODE})
= rexStyle | Hd
= (**rexOpen rex cb)
@ type | rexType rex
@ style | rexStyle rex
@ rune | rexRune rex
@ text | rexText rex
@ embd | rexEmbd rex
@ sons | rexSons rex
@ nSon | Sz sons
@ heir | rexHeir rex
@ kids | Ifz heir sons (Snoc sons heir)
@ nKid | Sz kids
| **cb type style rune text embd sons nSon heir kids nKid
= (rexKids rex)
@ sons (rexSons rex)
@ heir (rexHeir rex)
| Ifz heir sons (Snoc sons heir)
= (varE v) | WORD v 0
= (txtE t) | TEXT t 0
= (ctxE nm) | Ifz nm (**txtE nm) (**varE nm)
= (sireErrFmt renderLineNum ss rex msg)
@ ctx (Ix 1 ss)
@ ln (Ix 4 ss)
@ blk (Ix 5 ss)
| OPEN "#" | 0 varE-{block} | blk
| OPEN "#" | 0 varE-{what} | rex
| OPEN "#" | 0 varE-{where} | SHUT {:} (0 ctxE-ctx renderLineNum-ln) 0
| OPEN "#" | 0 varE-{why} | txtE-msg
| 0
= (appE exps) | If (Eq1 Sz-exps) (fst exps) | NEST {#|} exps 0
= (rowE xs) | If Null-xs (EMBD 0) | appE (Cons EMBD-0 xs)
= (sireErr ss rex msg) | ##SireError (sireErrFmt EMBD ss rex msg)
= ({'} ss rex)
@ args (rexKids rex)
| If (Neq 1 Sz-args) | sireErr ss rex {Expected 1 Parameter}
| 0 ss EMBD-(fst args)
({,} st rex)=(0 st rowE-(rexKids rex))
= ({++} ss rex)
^ (ss, rowE (_ 0 rex))
? (go acc rex)
@ sons | rexSons rex
@ rune | rexRune rex
@ itemRex | If (Eql 1 Sz-sons) (fst sons) (OPEN {|} sons 0)
| Ifz rex | acc
| If (Neq {++} rune) | acc rex
| If (Null sons) | sireErr ss rex {usage: (++ x), (++ f x y), etc}
| else | go (acc itemRex) rexHeir-rex
= (binop val ss rex)
@ kids (rexKids rex)
| If (Neq 2 | Sz kids) | sireErr ss rex {this is a binary operator}
| (ss, appE (EMBD val, fst kids, snd kids))
({&&} = binop And)({||} = binop Or)({::} = binop 0)
({==} = binop Eql)({/=} = binop Neq)
= ({:} ss rex)
@ sons | rexSons rex
@ args | Take Dec-(Sz sons) sons
@ apps | Last sons
@ body | rexHeir rex
| If | Or Eqz-body | Or (Lth Sz-sons 2) | (Neq "<" rexRune-apps)
| sireErr ss rex {Invalid use of :}
^ (ss, _)
| OPEN "|" (rexKids apps)
| OPEN "&" ,(NEST "|" args 0)
| body
= (**openPair x k) | **k (Ix 0 x) (Ix 1 x)
= (**openTriple x k) | **k (Ix 0 x) (Ix 1 x) (Ix 2 x)
= (mapState f row st)
^ foldl _ [st 0] row
& (st_acc x)
: st acc < openPair st_acc
: st x < openPair (f x st)
| (st, acc x)
(NONE = 0)(SOME = 0)(NIL = 0)(CONS = 0)(LEFT = 0)(RIGHT = 1)
= (**maybeCase mb non som) | Ifz mb non (**som Cdr-mb)
= (**listCase xs nil cons) | Ifz xs nil (**cons Ix-0-xs Ix-1-xs)
= (**eitherCase x l r) | If Hd-x (**r fst-x) (**l fst-x)
= (listFoldl f z l)
: x xs < listCase l z
@ fzx (f z x)
| Seq fzx
| listFoldl f fzx xs
= (listZipWith f al bl)
: a as < listCase al NIL
: b bs < listCase bl NIL
| CONS (f a b) (listZipWith f as bs)
= (fmapMaybe x f) | And x | SOME | f | fst x
= (listFoldr f z l) | listCase l z (x xs)&(f x | listFoldr f z xs)
= (listSing x) | CONS x 0
= (listMap f l) | listFoldr (x xs)&(CONS f-x xs) NIL l
= (**listForEach l f) | listMap f l
= (listIdx i l) | Ifz i fst-l (listIdx Dec-i snd-l)
= (listUnsafeLast l) | (xs @ snd l)(Ifz xs fst-l | listUnsafeLast xs)
= (listLen l) | listFoldr (x acc & Inc acc) 0 l
= (listFromRow v) | foldr 0 NIL v
= (listOr v) | listFoldr Or 0 v
= (listAny f v) | listOr listMap-f-v
= (listHas e xs) | listAny Eql-e xs
= (listEnumFrom n) | CONS n (listEnumFrom Inc-n)
= (listWeld a b) | listCase a b (x xs)&(CONS x | listWeld xs b)
= (listCat ls) | listFoldr listWeld NIL ls
= (listCatMap f r) | listCat (listMap f r)
= (listZip a b) | listZipWith 0 a b
= (listFilter f lis) | listFoldr (x xs)&(Ifz f-x xs | CONS x xs) 0 lis
= (listGenFrom i n f) | And (Lth i n) | CONS f-i | listGenFrom-(Inc i) n f
= (listGen n f) | listGenFrom 0 n f
= (listRep i n) | listGen n _&i
= (listIndexed l) | listZip (listEnumFrom 0) l
= (listRev xs) | listFoldl (x y & CONS y x) NIL xs
= (listSnoc xs e) | listCase xs (CONS e NIL) (x xs)&(CONS x | listSnoc xs e)
= (listFindIndex pred xs notFound found)
^ listFoldr _ notFound (listIndexed xs)
& (idxVal rest)
| Ifz (pred | snd idxVal) rest
| found (fst idxVal)
= (dictSearchCase key table notFound found)
@ res | searchTab key table
@ ix | Div res 2
| Ifz (Mod res 2) notFound
| Seq ix
| found ix (Ix Inc-ix table)
= bstEmpty | 0
= (**bstSing k v) | [k v 0 0]
= (**bstCase x empty node)
| Ifz x empty
| **node (Ix 0 x) (Ix 1 x) (Ix 2 x) (Ix 3 x)
= (bstWalk x)
: _ _ l r < bstCase x NIL
| listWeld bstWalk-l x::(bstWalk r)
= (bstSearch k x)
: xk xv l r < bstCase x NONE
| Ifz x NONE
@ LT | bstSearch k l
@ EQ | SOME xv
@ GT | bstSearch k r
| Br (Cmp k xk) [LT EQ] GT
(**bstSearchCase k t nf f)=(maybeCase (bstSearch k t) nf f)
= (merge x y)
: xk xv xl xr < bstCase x y
: yk yv yl yr < bstCase y x
| [yk yv (merge x yl) yr]
= (bstAlter k f x)
: xk xv l r < bstCase x (maybeCase (f NONE) 0 (bstSing k))
@ LT | [xk xv (bstAlter k f l) r]
@ EQ | maybeCase (f SOME-xv) (merge l r) nv&[k nv l r]
@ GT | [xk xv l (bstAlter k f r)]
| Br (Cmp k xk) [LT EQ] GT
= (bstLoad table)
^ _ 0 (Div (Sz table) 2)
? (go off end)
@ wid | Sub end off
@ zeroCase | bstEmpty
@ oneCase @ i (Mul 2 off) | bstSing (Ix i table) (Ix Inc-i table)
| Br wid [zeroCase oneCase]
@ mid | Add off (Div wid 2)
@ i | Mul 2 mid
@ k | Ix i table
@ v | Ix Inc-i table
@ l | go off mid
@ r | go Inc-mid end
| [k v l r]
(bstSave x)=(Fill 0 | listCatMap kv&(fst kv :: (snd kv :: NIL)) bstWalk-x)
= (bstIns k v t) | bstAlter k (_ & SOME v) t
= (bstPut t k v) | bstAlter k (_ & SOME v) t
= (bstHas k t) | IsApp (bstSearch k t)
= (bstIdx k t) | bstSearchCase k t 0 a&a
= bstIsEmpty | Eqz
= (bstFromPairsList xs) | listFoldl (t kv & bstIns fst-kv snd-kv t) 0 xs
= (bstUnion x y) | listFoldl (t kv & bstIns fst-kv snd-kv t) y bstWalk-x
= (PadLen n) | Dec (BitSz n)
= (unpackSlice s) | If IsNat-s (0, PadLen s, s) s
= (BitFill ss)
^ fst (foldl _ [0 0] ss)
& (data_sz slice)
: data sz < openPair data_sz
: so ss sd < openTriple (unpackSlice slice)
@ newSz | Add sz ss
@ newData | Add data (Lsh (BitSlice so ss sd) sz)
| Seq newSz
| Seq newData
| [newData newSz]
= (ByteFill ss)
^ BitFill (Map _ ss)
& bs
: off sz data < openTriple bs
| If IsNat-bs bs (Mul 8 off, Mul 8 sz, data)
= (BitFillList ss) | BitFill (Fill 0 ss)
= (ByteFillList ss) | ByteFill (Fill 0 ss)
= newlineChar | 10
= (isDigit c) | And (Gte c {0}) (Lte c {9})
= (isUpper c) | And (Gte c {A}) (Lte c {Z})
= (isLower c) | And (Gte c {a}) (Lte c {z})
= (isAlpha c) | Or isUpper-c isLower-c
= (StrFoldl f z s)
| Ifz s z
| Seq z
@ z (f z (Mod s 256))
| StrFoldl f z (Div s 256)
= (StrFoldr f z s)
| Ifz s z
| f (Mod s 256)
| StrFoldr f z (Div s 256)
= (ByteSz s) | DivCeil BitSz-s 8
= (StrPad s) | BitSet (Mul 8 ByteSz-s) s
= (strCat vs) | ByteFill (Map StrPad vs)
= (strWeld x y) | strCat [x y]
= (StrAny f s) | StrFoldr (c k & Or (f c) k) 0 s
= (StrAll f s) | StrFoldr (c k & And (f c) k) 1 s
= (StrHas c s) | StrAny (Eql c) s
= (ByteIx i n)
| Ifz i (Mod n 256)
| And n
| ByteIx (Dec i) (Div n 256)
= (strFindIndexOff f off str)
@ wid (ByteSz str)
^ _ off
? (loop ix)
| If (Gte ix wid) wid
| If (f (ByteIx ix str)) ix
| loop (Inc ix)
= (strElemIndexOff byte off bar) | strFindIndexOff (Eql byte) off bar
= (ByteSlice off wid n) | BitSlice (Mul 8 off) (Mul 8 wid) n
= (ByteTake wid n) | Trunc (Mul 8 wid) n
= (ByteDrop wid n) | Rsh n (Mul 8 wid)
= (listDigits num)
| Ifz num {0}::NIL
^ _ num NIL
? (loop mor acc)
| Ifz mor acc
: mor digit < openPair (DivMod mor 10)
| loop mor (Add digit {0})::acc
= (digits num) | Fill 0 listDigits-num
= (showNat n) | strCat digits-n
= (natE n) | WORD (showNat n) 0
= (renderLnNum ln) | **varE (showNat ln)
= (sireErr ss r msg) | ##SireError (sireErrFmt renderLnNum ss r msg)
= (**gensym st k)
@ nex | Ix 0 st
@ aft | Inc nex
@ st | Up 0 aft st
@ nm | varE (strWeld {_g} showNat-nex)
| Strict 3 aft st nm
| **k st nm
(bloodline lis)=(listFoldr (i r & rexSetHeir r i) 0 lis)
= ({#} ss rex)
: _ _ _ text _ _ _ _ kids nKid < rexOpen rex
@ k1 | fst kids
@ text | rexText k1
| Ifz nKid | sireErr ss rex } Needs kids>=1
| Ifz text | sireErr ss k1 } needs to be text
@ name | strWeld {#} text
@ bindPin | bstIdx name (Ix 2 ss)
@ macro | snd (PinItem bindPin)
| Ifz bindPin | sireErr ss rex (strWeld {undefined symbol: #} text)
| macro ss rex
= (isSymbolChar c)
| Or Eql-{_}-c
| Or isAlpha-c isDigit-c
= (strIsSymbol str)
| And str
| And (| Not | isDigit | ByteIx 0 str)
| StrAll isSymbolChar str
= (readSymbol rex err ok)
@ rune (rexRune rex)
@ kids (rexKids rex)
@ nKid (Sz kids)
| If (Eql {.} rune)
| If (Neq 1 nKid)
| err rex {Should be .x, .5, .{x}, etc}
@ kid (Ix 0 kids)
| Ifz (rexIsLeaf kid)
| err rex {Should be .x, .5, .{x}, etc}
| If (Eql {WORD} | rexStyle kid)
| err rex {TODO: readSymbol should support .foo and .234}
| ok (rexText kid)
: _ style _ text _ sons nSon heir _ _ < rexOpen rex
| If (Neq {WORD} style) | err rex {expected a bare word}
| If heir | err rex {unexpected heir}
| Ifz strIsSymbol-text | err rex {bad symobl character}
| ok text
(readSymbolEx ss rex)=(readSymbol rex (sireErr ss) (x & x))
= (expandPat ss pat val body)
: _ style rune _ _ sons nSon heir _ _ < rexOpen pat
: ss tmp < gensym ss
@ fail | (sireErr ss pat {invalid pattern})
| If heir fail
^ Switch [{!} {,} {@}] rune _ fail
| If (Neq 1 nSon) fail
^ (ss, _)
| OPEN {#@} (tmp, val)
| OPEN {#|} (EMBD Seq, tmp)
| OPEN {@} (fst sons, tmp)
| body
^ (ss, OPEN {#@} (tmp, val) (foldri _ body sons))
& (i son heir)
| OPEN "@" (son, appE (EMBD Ix-i, tmp)) heir
| If (Neq 2 nSon) fail
: alias pat < openPair sons
| Seq (readSymbolEx ss alias)
^ (ss, _)
| OPEN {#@} (alias, val)
| OPEN {@} (pat, alias)
| body
= ({@} ss rex)
: _ style rune _ _ _ _ heir kids nKid < rexOpen rex
: pat val body < openTriple kids
: _ patStyle patRune _ _ _ _ patHeir _ _ < rexOpen pat
| If (nKid /= 3) | sireErr ss rex {expected three kids}
| If (Eql {WORD} patStyle)
| If patHeir | expandPat ss patHeir val body
| (ss, rexSetRune {#@} rex)
| expandPat ss pat val body
= (isPattern rex)
@ isStructBind | And (Eql {WORD} rexStyle-rex) Not-(Eqz rexHeir-rex)
| (isStructBind || Has rexRune-rex [{!} {,} {@}])
= (rebindPatternArgs ss args)
^ mapState _ args (ss, NIL)
& (son acc)
@ (ss, rebinds) acc
| Ifz isPattern-son (acc, son)
: ss newArgRex < gensym ss
| ((ss, CONS [son newArgRex] rebinds), newArgRex)
= (wutMacro wutRune ss rex)
@ kids@[sigRex bodyRex] | rexKids rex
@ sigRune | rexRune sigRex
@ sigSons | rexSons sigRex
| If (Neq 2 Sz-kids) | sireErr ss rex "bad lambda"
| If (Neq {|} sigRune) | sireErr ss rex "bad lambda"
| If rexHeir-sigRex | sireErr ss sigRex "unexpected heir"
| If (Lth sigSons 2) | sireErr ss rex "bad lambda"
@ fallback | (ss, rexSetRune wutRune rex)
@ ([ss rebinds], args) | rebindPatternArgs ss (Drop 1 sigSons)
| If (Null rebinds) | fallback
^ (ss, _)
| OPEN wutRune [(NEST {|} (Cons fst-sigSons args) 0)]
^ listFoldr _ bodyRex rebinds
& (rebind heir)
| OPEN "@" rebind heir
({?} = wutMacro {#?})({??} = wutMacro {#??})
= ({&} ss rex)
@ kids@[sigRex bodyRex] | rexKids rex
@ sigRune | rexRune sigRex
| If (Neq 2 Sz-kids) | sireErr ss rex "bad lambda"
| If rexHeir-sigRex | sireErr ss sigRex "unexpected heir"
@ fallback | (ss, rexSetRune "#&" rex)
| If (Eql {|} sigRune)
@ [[ss rebinds] args] (rebindPatternArgs ss rexSons-sigRex)
| If (Null rebinds) fallback
^ (ss, _)
| OPEN "#&" [(NEST {|} args 0)]
^ listFoldr _ bodyRex rebinds
& (rebind heir)
| OPEN "@" rebind heir
| If (isPattern sigRex)
: ss newArgRex < gensym ss
| 0 ss | OPEN "#&" [newArgRex]
| OPEN "@" [sigRex newArgRex]
| bodyRex
| fallback
= (unrollTis rex)
@ heir (rexHeir rex)
| Ifz heir | listSing rex
| If (Neq (rexRune heir) {=}) | listSing rex
| CONS (rexSetHeir 0 rex)
| unrollTis heir
= (parseDefine ss rex)
: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ heir kids@[sig val] nKid < rexOpen rex
: _ _ sigRune _ _ _ _ _ sigKids sigNKid < rexOpen sig
^ And (Eql "|" sigRune) | And (Gte sigNKid 2) | And (Eql nKid 2) | _
@ nmRex | fst sigKids
@ nm | If (Eql {**} rexRune-nmRex) (fst | rexSons nmRex) nmRex
| (nm, sig, val)
= ({=} ss rex)
^ 0 ss | bloodline | listMap _ | unrollTis rex
& rex
@ res@(nm, sig, body) (parseDefine ss rex)
| Ifz res (OPEN "#=" (rexKids rex) 0)
| OPEN {#=} (nm, OPEN {??} [sig body] 0) 0
= (isSireDecimal str) | And str | StrAll isDigit str
= (loadSireDecimal s) | StrFoldl (acc c & Add (Mul 10 acc) (Sub c {0})) 0 s
= (readSimpleKey ss rex)
| If (Or rexHeir-rex Not-(rexIsLeaf rex))
| sireErr "not a key"
@ txt (rexText rex)
| If (Eql {WORD} rexStyle-rex && isSireDecimal txt)
| loadSireDecimal txt
| txt
= (readItems ss rex)
| Ifz rex NIL
| If ("-" /= rexRune rex) | sireErr ss rex {Expected a - rune}
| CONS (rexSetHeir 0 rex)
| readItems ss (rexHeir rex)
= (readBranches ss rex)
: item < listForEach (readItems ss rex)
@ sons@[keyRex expRex] | rexSons item
| If (Sz sons /= 2) | sireErr ss rex {expected a key and a value}
| (readSimpleKey ss keyRex, expRex)
= ({#simpleswitch} ss rex)
: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ kids nKid < rexOpen rex
@ [_x expr wild armsRex] | kids
| If (Neq 4 nKid) | sireErr ss {expected four kids}
@ arms | Fill 0 (readBranches ss armsRex)
@ keys | Map fst arms
@ vals | Map snd arms
^ (ss, _)
| appE (EMBD Switch, EMBD keys, expr, rowE vals, wild)
= ({#struct} ss rex)
@ kids | rexKids rex
@ sign | Ix 2 kids
@ sKid | rexKids sign
@ cnstr | fst sKid
@ fields | Drop 1 sKid
| Ifz && (Sz kids == 3)
&& (rexRune sign == {|})
| (Sz sKid)
| sireErr ss rex {usage: struct#(CONSTRUCTOR field...)}
@ fields
: field < foreach fields
@ fieldKids | rexKids field
@ nm | fst fieldKids
| If && (rexStyle field == {WORD})
| (Eqz rexHeir-field)
| If && (rexRune field == {/})
&& (Sz fieldKids == 2)
&& (rexStyle nm == {WORD})
| (Eqz rexHeir-nm)
| Die ["bad input" [rex field]]
@ gettersAndSetters
^ bloodline (listCat _)
: [i getterSym] < listForEach (listIndexed | listFromRow fields)
@ struct | WORD {_x} 0
@ newVal | WORD {_y} 0
@ setterSym | WORD (strWeld (rexText getterSym) "Set") 0
| CONS | OPEN "#=" (getterSym, EMBD (Ix i)) 0
| CONS | OPEN "#=" (setterSym, EMBD (Up i)) 0
^ (ss, _)
@ sig | NEST "|" (Cons (PREF "**" [cnstr] 0) fields) 0
@ bod | rowE fields
| OPEN "#=" [sig bod]
| gettersAndSetters
= ({#simpledata} ss rex)
@ bad | sireErr ss rex {bad #simpledata}
| If (| Neq 2 | Sz | rexSons rex) bad
@ fields
^ _ (rexHeir rex)
? (loop rex)
@ sons | rexSons rex
| Ifz rex NIL
| If Null-sons bad
| If ("-" /= rexRune rex) bad
@ !cnstr | readSymbolEx ss fst-sons
| cnstr::(loop rexHeir-rex)
^ (ss, bloodline _)
: cnstrNm < listForEach fields
| OPEN "#=" (varE cnstrNm, EMBD cnstrNm) 0
= (readSimpleCaseBranches ss rex)
@ sons | rexSons rex
@ nSon | Sz sons
@ lastSon | Dec nSon
@ valid | (("-" == rexRune rex) || Gte nSon 2)
| Ifz rex | NIL
| Ifz valid | sireErr ss rex {expected something like: - FOO a b c | bodyExpr}
@ syms | Map (readSymbolEx ss) (Take lastSon sons)
| CONS (fst syms, Drop 1 syms, Ix lastSon sons)
| readSimpleCaseBranches ss (rexHeir rex)
(rowMax xs)=(foldl Max 0 xs)
(maxOf f xs)=(rowMax | Map f xs)
= ({#simplecase} ss rex)
@ kids@[_ expr fallback branchListRex] (rexKids rex)
| If (Sz kids /= 4) | sireErr ss rex {expected four params}
@ branches | Fill 0 (readSimpleCaseBranches ss branchListRex)
@ keys | Map fst branches
: ss tmpE < gensym ss
@ tagE | appE (EMBD Hd, tmpE)
@ fieldVar | i&(varE | strWeld "_f" showNat-i)
@ fieldBinds
@ maxNumFields | maxOf [_ fields _]&(Sz fields) branches
: i < listGen maxNumFields
| OPEN "#@" (fieldVar i, appE (EMBD Ix-i, tmpE)) 0
@ bodyExp
^ OPEN "#|" (EMBD Switch, EMBD keys, tagE, _, fallback) 0
^ rowE (Map _ branches)
& [_cnstr fields body]
| bloodline
| listSnoc
: [i field] < listForEach (listIndexed (listFromRow fields))
| OPEN "#@" (varE field, fieldVar i) 0
| OPEN "#|" [body] 0
^ (ss, _)
| OPEN "#@" (tmpE, expr)
| bloodline (listSnoc fieldBinds bodyExp)
* # struct (Span a) | SPAN spanLin/a spanOff/Nat spanEnd/Nat spanVal/a
* # struct Line | LN lineFil/Str lineNum/Nat lineTxt/Str
# simpledata (Lexi a)
- LLINE multi/(List (Span ()))
- LNEST isBracket/Bit xs:a
= (**getLexiLine x fb ok)
| If (Hd x /= {LLINE}) fb
| **ok (fst x)
= (lexMany lexOne ln off ctx txt)
@ lexeme@[_ off end tok] (lexOne ln off ctx txt)
^ (lexeme :: _)
| If (tok == LTERM) NIL
| lexMany lexOne ln end ctx txt
= (lexNest lexMany lexOne ln typ ctx off txt)
@ ts | lexMany lexOne ln (Inc off) ctx txt
@ [_ _ end _] | listUnsafeLast ts
| (ln, off, end, **LNEST typ ts)
= (wordy c)
^ (Gte c {0} && (Lte c {z} && _))
| (Gte c {a} || (Lte c {9} || (Eql {_} c || (Gte c {A} && Lte c {Z}))))
(runic c)=(StrHas c runeChars)
= (eatCurly txt o d)
| Ifz d o
@ next (eatCurly txt Inc-o)
# simpleswitch (ByteIx o txt) (next d)
- 0 | o
- "{" | next Inc-d
- "}" | next Dec-d
= (eatCord txt o)
^ Min (ByteSz txt) (Inc _)
| strElemIndexOff {"} Inc-o txt
= (lexUgly ln off txt)
@ start | Inc-off
@ delim | ByteIx start txt
@ lineStr | [ln off ByteSz-txt LLINE-NIL]
@ noMatch
^ [ln off _ LTEXT]
^ Min (ByteSz txt) (Inc _)
| strElemIndexOff delim (Inc start) txt
# simpleswitch delim noMatch
- 0 | lineStr
- { } | lineStr
= (lexOne ln o ctx txt)
@ eat | strFindIndexOff
@ c | ByteIx o txt
^ # simpleswitch c _
- {(} | lexNest lexMany lexOne ln FALSE {)} o txt
- {[} | lexNest lexMany lexOne ln TRUE {]} o txt
- "}" | lexUgly ln o txt
- "{" | (ln, o, eatCurly txt Inc-o 1, LTEXT)
- 0 | (ln, o, ByteSz txt, LTERM)
- {;} | (ln, o, ByteSz txt, LSEMI)
- {"} | (ln, o, eatCord txt o, LTEXT)
- { } | (ln, o, eat (Neq 32) o txt, LWYTE)
| If wordy-c | (ln, o, eat c&(Not wordy-c) o txt, LWORD)
| If runic-c | (ln, o, eat c&(Not runic-c) o txt, LRUNE)
| If ctx==c | (ln, o, Inc o, LTERM)
| else | (ln, o, Inc o, LFAIL)
(lexLine ln)=(lexMany lexOne ln 0 0 (lineTxt ln))
= (multiLine topLs)
: a@SPAN[aLin aOff aEnd aTok] ls < listCase topLs NIL
@ fb (a :: multiLine ls)
: b@SPAN[____ bOff bEnd bTok] ls < listCase ls fb
: aExtra < **getLexiLine aTok fb
| If (bTok /= LTERM) fb
@ onMatch
& (newTok more)
@ aTok | LLINE (spanValSet 0 newTok :: aExtra)
| multiLine (SPAN aLin aOff aEnd aTok)::more
: c@SPAN[_ cOff cEnd cTok] ls < listCase ls fb
# simplecase cTok fb
- LLINE _ | If (aOff/=cOff) fb
| onMatch c ls
- LWYTE : d@SPAN[_ dOff dEnd dTok] ls < listCase ls fb
: _ < **getLexiLine dTok fb
| If (aOff/=dOff) fb
| onMatch d ls
= (mkClump xs)
@ SPAN[lin off _ _] (fst xs)
@ SPAN[_ _ end _] (Last xs)
| (**SPAN lin off end xs)
= (lexiIsSpace tok) | Has tok [LWYTE LSEMI LTERM]
= (elemIsSpace elem) | lexiIsSpace (spanVal elem)
= (isEndOfCluster ls)
: l ls < listCase ls FALSE
| Or (elemIsSpace l)
| And (spanVal l == LRUNE)
: l ls < listCase ls TRUE
| elemIsSpace l
= (clumpLoop acc remain)
: next more < listCase remain | If acc==NIL NIL
| listSing mkClump-(FillR 0 acc)
| If (acc==NIL && elemIsSpace next)
| clumpLoop acc more
| If (acc/=NIL && isEndOfCluster remain)
| **CONS mkClump-(FillR 0 acc)
| clumpLoop NIL remain
| clumpLoop next::acc more
= (clump lexemes)
^ Fill 0 | clumpLoop NIL | listMap _ lexemes
& span@SPAN[l o e x]
| **SPAN l o e
| If (Hd x /= {LNEST}) x
| **LNEST fst-x (clump snd-x)
# simpledata Tree
- TLEAF Clump
- TNODE Str (Row Tree) (Maybe Tree)
# simpledata (Frag a)
- WOLF Str a
- LAMB a
(**getWolf frag fb onWolf)=(# simplecase frag fb)(- WOLF x y | **onWolf x y)
(spanTxt s@SPAN[lin off end _])=(ByteSlice off (Sub end off) lineTxt-lin)
= (spanFrag s@SPAN[lin off end val])
| If (val /= LRUNE) (LAMB s)
| WOLF (spanTxt s) s
= (clumpFrag c@SPAN[_ off _ es])
@ lamb | (off, LAMB c)
| If (Sz es /= 1) lamb
: rune _ < getWolf (spanFrag fst-es) lamb
(Dec (Add off ByteSz-rune), WOLF rune c)
= (fTree frag)
# simplecase frag 0
- LAMB c | TLEAF c
- WOLF b _ | TNODE b [] NONE
= (iTree item@I[t x k])
| Ifz t ({invalid item} item)
| TNODE t (FillR 0 x) k
= (merge [rp r] [ip i@I[t cs mHeir]])
: k < maybeCase mHeir | If (rp == ip) | ( ip, I t cs SOME-r )
| else | ( ip, I t r::cs NONE )
| (ip, I t (k::cs) (SOME r))
(pairMap f [x y])=[x (f y)]
= (close pos stk)
: i more < listCase stk NIL
| If (Gte pos | fst i) stk
: j k < listCase more | Die {indent too small. Bug in block splitter}
| close pos (merge (pairMap iTree i) j :: k)
= (pushOnto stk (fragPos, frag))
@ stk@[i is] (close fragPos stk)
: r _ < getWolf frag (merge (fragPos, fTree frag) i :: is)
| (fragPos, I r NIL NONE)::stk
= (pushAll pf fs) | listFoldl pushOnto (listSing pf) fs
= (forceMerge a b) | merge (pairMap iTree a) b
= (nonemptyFoldl f [x xs]) | listFoldl f x xs
= (layout frags)
: f@[pos frag] fs < listCase frags NIL
# simplecase frag 0
- LAMB _ | (fTree frag :: layout fs)
- WOLF r _ ^ listSing | iTree | snd | nonemptyFoldl forceMerge _
| pushAll (pos, I r NIL NONE) fs
= (layout frags)
: f@[pos frag] fs < listCase frags NIL
: r _ < getWolf frag (fTree frag :: layout fs)
^ listSing | iTree | snd | nonemptyFoldl forceMerge _
| pushAll (pos, I r NIL NONE) fs
# simpledata BlockBuffer
- TEXTY lines/(List | List Lexeme) depth/Nat
- BLOCK lines/(List | List Lexeme) depth/Nat prevDepth/Nat
# simpledata LineCat
- CNOTE offset/Nat
- COPEN indent/Nat offset/Nat
- CQUOT offset/Nat
- CSING offset/Nat
# struct BlockState | BS bsPath/Str bsLine/Nat bsBuf/BlockBuffer
= (lineCat lexemes)
: SPAN[_ lOff lEnd x] ls < listCase lexemes CVOID
# simplecase x (CSING lOff)
- LLINE _ | CQUOT lOff
- LWYTE | lineCat ls
- LRUNE : SPAN[_ _ _ yTok] ys < listCase ls (CSING lOff)
| If lexiIsSpace-yTok (COPEN Dec-lEnd lOff)
| CSING lOff
= (blockStep bs@BS[fn lno st] mInp)
@ eofCase | (BS fn lno WOODS, (Neq WOODS st && listSing (listRev fst-st)))
: l < maybeCase mInp eofCase
@ lc | lineCat l
@ ok | (buf out)&(BS fn (Inc lno) buf, out)
@ break & ls @ (st2, out) (blockStep (BS fn lno WOODS) mInp)
| (st2, (listRev ls :: out))
@ (bd, ad) # simplecase lc (###{bad LineCat} lc)
- CVOID | [0 0]
- CNOTE o | [o o]
- COPEN i o | [i o]
- CQUOT o | [o o]
- CSING o | [o o]
# simplecase st (###{bad block buffer} st)
# simplecase lc (###{bad LineCat} lc)
- COPEN _ _ | ok (BLOCK listSing-l bd Inc-ad) NIL
- CQUOT _ | ok (TEXTY listSing-l bd) NIL
- CSING _ | ok WOODS (listSing (listSing l))
- TEXTY ls deep
# simplecase lc (break ls)
- CQUOT d | If d/=deep break-ls
| ok (**TEXTY l::ls deep) NIL
- BLOCK ls deep prev
| If (CVOID == lc)
| Ifz prev (break ls)
| ok (BLOCK ls deep 0) NIL
| If (Eqz prev && Eqz ad)
| break ls
| If (Lth bd deep) (break ls)
| ok (BLOCK (l::ls) deep (Inc ad)) NIL
= (treeStep st@BS[fil num _] mInp)
@ er@(st2, out)
| blockStep st
| fmapMaybe mInp (byt & lexLine (**LN fil num byt))
@ treeOut
: blockLines < listForEach out
@ blockLexes (listCat blockLines)
@ [SPAN[LN[_ firstLineNumber _] _ _ _] _] blockLexes
++ firstLineNumber
++ ^ layout | listMap clumpFrag | listFromRow | clump _
| multiLine | listCat blockLines
| (st2, treeOut)
# simpledata (SubLayout a)
- SEQUE (List a)
- PREFX Str (List (Frag a))
- INFIX (NonEmpty a) Str (SubLayout a)
= (lambs fs)
: f more < listCase fs (NONE, NIL)
# simplecase f 0
- LAMB x | pairMap (CONS x) (lambs more)
- WOLF r _ | (SOME [r more], NIL)
= (subLayout frags)
: f fs < listCase frags (SEQUE NIL)
# simplecase f 0
- WOLF r _ | PREFX r fs
- LAMB x @ [rest hed] (lambs fs)
: (ryn, more) < maybeCase rest (SEQUE x::hed)
| INFIX [x hed] ryn (subLayout more)
= (spanQuotedStr span)
@ txt (spanTxt span)
| If (ByteIx 0 txt == "}") | ByteSlice 2 (Sub (ByteSz txt) 3) txt
| else | ByteSlice 1 (Sub (ByteSz txt) 2) txt
= (lineRex acc spans)
: span spans < listCase spans acc
@ txt | ByteDrop 2 | spanTxt span
| lineRex (LINE txt acc) spans
= (onlyLambs clumps)
^ foldl _ 0 clumps
& (acc clump)
# simplecase (snd | clumpFrag clump) 0
- LAMB x | acc x
- WOLF _ _ | acc
= (paraSeq clumpRex all@[c cs])
| If (all/=NIL && cs==NIL) clumpRex-c
^ NEST {|} _ 0
| Fill 0 (listMap clumpRex all)
(mkInfix rune acc)=(INFX rune (FillR 0 acc) NONE)
= (paraPrefix clumpRex rune frags)
^ _ rune NIL frags
? (go rune acc frags)
: f fs < listCase frags (NEST rune (FillR 0 acc) NONE)
# simplecase f 0
- LAMB cl | go rune (clumpRex cl :: acc) fs
- WOLF rx _ | go rune (go rx NIL fs :: acc) NIL
= (paraInfix parenPolicy clumpRex rune initial slay)
^ _ rune listSing-initial slay
? (go rune acc slay)
# simplecase slay 0
- SEQUE _ | mkInfix rune (parenPolicy clumpRex slay :: acc)
- PREFX r xs | mkInfix rune (paraPrefix clumpRex r xs :: acc)
- INFIX es r xs @ rx (paraSeq clumpRex es)
| If r==rune | go rune rx::acc xs
| else | go r listSing-(mkInfix rune rx::acc) xs
= (parenPolicy clumpRex slay)
# simplecase slay 0
- SEQUE xs | paraSeq clumpRex xs
- PREFX r xs | paraPrefix clumpRex r xs
- INFIX es r xs | paraInfix parenPolicy clumpRex r (paraSeq clumpRex es) xs
= (elemRex clumpRex e@SPAN[ln off end l])
# simplecase l (##{elemRex case not handled challenge (impossible)} l)
- LWORD | WORD (spanTxt e) 0
- LFAIL | elemRex clumpRex (**SPAN ln off end LRUNE)
- LRUNE | NEST (spanTxt e) [] 0
- LTEXT | TEXT (spanQuotedStr e) 0
- LLINE ts | lineRex 0 (listSnoc ts e)
- LNEST brack xs | If brack (NEST {,} (Map clumpRex | onlyLambs xs) 0)
^ parenPolicy clumpRex (subLayout _)
| listMap x&(snd | clumpFrag x) (listFromRow xs)
= (rexAddHeir rex c)
@ heir (rexHeir rex)
| rexSetHeir (Ifz heir c | rexAddHeir heir c) rex
= (heirSeq clumpRex wut@[x xs])
| listFoldl rexAddHeir (elemRex clumpRex x)
| listMap (elemRex clumpRex) xs
(ifix rune acc)=(**SHUT rune (FillR 0 acc) NONE)
= (eatInfix clumpRex tightPolicy rune acc slay)
# simplecase slay 0
- SEQUE _ | ifix rune (tightPolicy clumpRex slay :: acc)
- PREFX _ _ | Die {impossible: double tight rune}
- INFIX es r xs ^ eatInfix clumpRex tightPolicy r _ xs
| If r==rune | (heirSeq clumpRex es :: acc)
| listSing | ifix rune (heirSeq clumpRex es :: acc)
= (tightPolicy clumpRex slay)
# simplecase slay 0
- SEQUE xs | heirSeq clumpRex xs
- PREFX r xs | Ifz xs (NEST r [] 0)
| PREF r [tightPolicy-clumpRex-(subLayout xs)] 0
- INFIX es r xs | eatInfix clumpRex tightPolicy r (heirSeq clumpRex es)::NIL xs
= (clumpRex clump@SPAN[_ _ _ elems])
| tightPolicy clumpRex | subLayout | listMap spanFrag | listFromRow elems
= (treeRex t)
# simplecase t 0
- TLEAF c | clumpRex c
- TNODE r s h | OPEN r (Map treeRex s) (maybeCase h 0 x&(treeRex x))
= (treesRex trees)
: t ts < listCase trees (Die {treesRex: empty block})
| If (ts == NIL) | treeRex t
| else | treeRex (**TNODE {|} (Fill 0 trees) NONE)
= (rexStep bs mInp)
@ (bs, trees) | treeStep bs mInp
@ rexes | listForEach trees [lino trees]&(lino, treesRex trees)
| (bs, rexes)
# struct Lam
| LAM lamPin/Bit lamMark/Bit lamRecr/Bit lamTag/Nat lamArgs/Nat lamBody/Sire
# simpledata Sire
- V Nat
- K Any
- G Bind
- A Sire Sire
- L Sire Sire
- R (Row Sire) Sire
- M Sire
- F Lam
# struct Bind
| BIND bindKey/Nat bindValue/Any bindCode/Sire
bindLocation/Any bindName/Any bindProps/Any
# struct Arg (ARG argDepth/Nat argExp/Sire)
# struct Pot
| POT potLam/Lam potMark/Bool potDeep/Nat potNeed/Nat potArgs/(List Arg)
# struct Res (RES resExp/Sire resPot/(Maybe Pot))
= apple | foldl A
= appList | listFoldl A
= (apple_ xs) | foldl A fst-xs (Drop 1 xs)
= (hasRefTo d exp)
# simplecase exp FALSE
- V v | v==d
- A f x | (hasRefTo d f || hasRefTo d x)
- L v b | (hasRefTo d v || hasRefTo Inc-d b)
- R v b | listAny (hasRefTo (Add d Sz-v)) (b :: listFromRow v)
- M f | hasRefTo d f
- F l | hasRefTo Inc-(Add d lamArgs-l) lamBody-l
= (moveTo from to alreadyBound topExp)
^ If from==to topExp (_ alreadyBound topExp)
? (go l e)
# simplecase e e
- V v | If (Lth v l) e (V | Sub (Add v to) from)
- M x | M (go l x)
- A f x | A (go l f) (go l x)
- L v b | L (go l v) (go Inc-l b)
- R v b | (ll @ Add l Sz-v)(R (Map (go ll) v) (go ll b))
- F fn | F (lamBodySet (go _ lamBody-fn) fn)^(Inc | Add l lamArgs-fn)
= (renum d !n args)
: a@ARG[ad ax] as < listCase args NIL
| (moveTo ad (Add d n) 0 ax :: renum d Inc-n as)
= (expandPot d e@POT[lam _ deep _ args])
@ body | moveTo deep d (Inc lamArgs-lam) lamBody-lam
| listFoldr L body
| renum d 0 (ARG d (K 0) :: listRev args)
= (reApp inline d s args f@RES[!fx !me])
@ otherwise
: r@[rd rx] rs < listCase args f
| reApp inline d s rs
| RES (A fx | moveTo rd d 0 rx)
: e@[_ _mark _ pNeed pArgs] < maybeCase me NONE
| Ifz pNeed NONE
| SOME | potNeedSet-(Dec pNeed) | potArgsSet-(r :: pArgs) e
: e < maybeCase me otherwise
| Ifz (potNeed e == 0)&&(potMark e) otherwise
| inline d s args (expandPot d e)
= (inline d s params syr)
@ rap (reApp inline d s params)
# simplecase syr (###{inline: bad sire} syr)
- K _ | rap | RES syr NONE
- V v | rap | RES syr | listIdx v s
- G p | rap | RES syr | resPot | inline d NIL NIL | bindCode PinItem-p
- M b
@ RES[r me] | inline d s NIL b
| rap | RES r (fmapMaybe me | potMarkSet TRUE)
- F lam
@ LAM[_ lMark lRecr _ lArgs lBody] lam
| rap
| RES @ s | listWeld (listRep NONE Inc-lArgs) s
@ d | Inc (Add lArgs d)
| F | (lamBodySet _ lam)^(resExp | inline d s NIL lBody)
| If lRecr NONE
| SOME (POT lam lMark d lArgs NIL)
- R vs b
@ nBinds (Sz vs)
@ d_ | Add d nBinds
@ s_ | listWeld (listRep NONE nBinds) s
@ vr | Map (inline d_ s_ NIL) vs
@ br | inline d_ s_ params b
| RES (R (Map resExp vr) resExp-br) NONE
- L v b
@ RES[vrs vre] | inline d s NIL v
@ RES[brs _bre] | inline Inc-d (vre::s) params b
| RES (L vrs brs) NONE
- A f x
@ RES[x _] | inline d s NIL x
| inline d s (ARG d x :: params) f
# simpledata Exp
- VAL Any
- VAR Nat
- APP Exp Exp
# struct Fun
| FUN funPin/Bool funTag/Nat funSlf/Nat funArg/(List Nat) funBin/(Tab Nat Exp)
= (constantApp f x) | (({VAL}==(Hd f) && {VAL}==(Hd x)) && Neq 1 (Arity fst-f))
= (foldingApp f x) | If (constantApp f x) VAL-(fst-f fst-x) (APP f x)
= (ingestAst compile s x st@[env nex])
@ go (ingestAst compile)
# simplecase x (###{ingestAst: bad input} x)
- V i | st,(listIdx i s)
- M x | go s x st
- G g | st,(VAL (**bindValue | PinItem g))
- K x | st,(VAL x)
- A f x @ [st f] (go s f st)
@ [st x] (go s x st)
| st,(foldingApp f x)
- L v b
@ [[env nex] vr] | go s v [env nex]
| If (Hd vr == {APP})
@ k | nex
@ nex | Inc nex
@ env | bstPut env k vr
| go (VAR k :: s) b [env nex]
| go (vr::s) b [env nex]
- R vs b
@ nBinds | Sz vs
@ ks | Gen nBinds Add-nex
@ nex | Add nex nBinds
@ ss | listWeld (listFromRow | Map VAR ks) s
@ st ^ foldl _ [env nex] (Zip vs ks)
& (st [vx k])
@ [[env nex] vr] (go ss vx st)
| [(bstPut env k vr) nex]
| go ss b st
- F lam
@ LAM[pin _mark _rec tag lArg lBod] lam
@ slf | nex
@ !nex | Inc nex
@ arg | listGen lArg (Add nex)
@ !nex | Add nex lArg
@ s2 | listWeld (listMap VAR listRev-arg) (VAR slf :: s)
@ [bin nex],bod | go s2 lBod [bstEmpty nex]
@ [cns free] | compile nex (FUN pin tag slf arg bin bod)
^ [[env nex] _]
| listFoldl APP (VAL cns) (listMap VAR free)
= (analyzeFn fun@FUN[_ _ fSlf fArg fBin fBod])
^ @ final@[seen tab lis] (_ fBod (bstEmpty, bstEmpty, NIL))
| (tab, listRev lis)
? (go sx st0@[seen0 tab0 lis0])
# simplecase sx (###{analyzeFn: bad input} sx)
- VAL _ | st0
- APP f x | go x (go f st0)
- VAR k @ [seen tab lis]
| If (bstHas k seen0 || Not (bstHas k fBin)) st0
| go (bstIdx k fBin)
| (bstIns k k seen0, tab0, lis0)
++ seen
++ bstIns k Inc-(bstIdx k tab) tab
++ If (bstHas k tab) lis k::lis
= (isCodeShaped depth v)
@ h | Car v
@ hh | Car h
|| (IsNat v && Lth v depth)
&& (IsApp v)
|| Eqz-h
&& (IsApp h)
|| Eq1-hh
| Eqz-hh
= (codeGen fn stat@(refcounts, refSeq))
@ FUN[fPin fTag fSlf fArg fBin fBod] fn
@ keep
& k
: _ < maybeCase (bstSearch k fBin) FALSE
: cv < maybeCase (bstSearch k refcounts) FALSE
| Gth cv 1
@ binds | listFilter keep refSeq
@ nBind | listLen binds
@ nArg | listLen fArg
@ scopeSz | Inc (Add nArg nBind)
@ scope | (fSlf :: listWeld fArg binds)
@ table | bstFromPairsList (listZip scope | listEnumFrom 0)
@ cgen
? (cgen s)
# simplecase s (###{codeGen: bad sire} s)
- VAL k | If (isCodeShaped scopeSz k) (0 k) k
- APP f x | 0 (cgen f) (cgen x)
- VAR v @ fall (bstIdx v table)
| If (1 /= bstIdx v refcounts) fall
: bx < maybeCase (bstSearch v fBin) fall
| cgen bx
^ If fPin (Pin _) _
^ Law fTag nArg (listFoldr _ cgen-fBod binds)
& (k rest)
| 1 (cgen | bstIdx k fBin) rest
= (compile nex f1)
@ FUN[pin1 tag1 slf1 arg1 bin1 bod1] f1
@ isFree | k&(Not (k==slf1 || (bstHas k bin1 || listHas k arg1)))
@ stat1@(_, !refs1) | analyzeFn f1
@ free | listFilter isFree refs1
@ newSelf | listFoldl APP VAR-nex (listMap VAR free)
@ f2 | funSlfSet | nex
| funArgSet | listWeld free arg1
| funBinSet | bstIns slf1 newSelf bin1
| f1
@ (f3, stat3) | If Eqz-free (f1, stat1) (f2, analyzeFn f2)
| (codeGen f3 stat3, free)
= (compileSire inlined)
^ (fst _) 0
@ res@([bin n], bod) (ingestAst compile NIL inlined (bstEmpty, 0))
| compile (Add 2 n)
| FUN 0 0 n (listSing (Inc n)) bin bod
(evalSire sire)=(| compileSire | resExp | inline 0 NIL NIL sire)
# struct SireState
sireNextKey/Nat sireContext/Str sireScope/Scope sireModules/Modules
sireLineNum/Nat sireBlock/Rex
# simpledata Leaf
- DECI Nat
- IDNT Str
- CORD Str
= (tryReadLeaf rex)
: _ style _ txt _ _ _ heir _ _ < rexOpen rex
| And Eqz-heir
| If style=={TEXT} | SOME (CORD txt)
| And style=={WORD}
| And txt
| Ifz isDigit-(ByteIx 0 txt) (SOME IDNT-txt)
| And isSireDecimal-txt
| SOME (DECI loadSireDecimal-txt)
(tryReadKey rex)=(fmapMaybe (tryReadLeaf rex) fst)
= (resolveUnqualified rex env sym ss)
@ notFound
: bn < bstSearchCase sym sireScope-ss (sireErr ss rex {undefined reference})
| (ss, G bn)
: ng < listFindIndex Eql-(SOME sym) env notFound
| (ss, V ng)
= (intersperse sep xs)
: i < Gen Dec-(Mul Sz-xs 2)
| If (Mod i 2) sep (Ix (Div i 2) xs)
= (lookupVal sym ss)
@ bind (bstIdx sym | sireScope ss)
| And bind
| Ifz (IsPin bind) | Die {bad bind!},bind
| SOME (**bindValue | PinItem bind)
= (loadMulti acc rex) | Ifz rex acc | loadMulti (acc rexText-rex) rexHeir-rex
= (readMultiLine rex) | strCat | intersperse newlineChar | loadMulti 0 rex
= (readAppExpr readExpr env rex ss)
@ (ss, params) | mapState (readExpr env) (rexKids rex) ss
^ (ss, _)
| Br (Sz params) (K 0, fst params) (apple_ params)
= (sireReadKey ss rex)
| maybeCase (tryReadLeaf rex) (sireErr ss rex {invalid key}) v&(fst v)
= (resolveQualified rex modu name ss)
@ modules | **sireModules ss
: pScope < bstSearchCase modu modules (sireErr ss rex {undefined module})
@ scope | PinItem pScope
: _ix bind < dictSearchCase name scope (sireErr ss rex {undefined symbol})
| (ss, G bind)
= (readRefr _readExpr env rex ss)
@ kids | rexKids rex
@ rune | rexRune rex
@ nKid | Sz kids
| If (nKid == 1)
@ n | sireReadKey ss fst-kids
| resolveUnqualified rex env n ss
| If (nKid == 2)
@ m | sireReadKey ss fst-kids
@ n | sireReadKey ss snd-kids
| resolveQualified rex m n ss
| sireErr ss rex {malformed reference}
= (readLin readExpr env rex ss)
@ rune (rexRune rex)
@ kids (rexKids rex)
| If (Sz kids /= 1) | sireErr ss rex {only one param was expected}
@ [ss exp] | readExpr env fst-kids ss
| (ss, M exp)
= (readLet readExpr env rex ss)
@ kids@[nRex vRex bRex] (rexKids rex)
| If (Sz-kids /= 3) | sireErr ss rex {expected three params}
@ [ss v] | readExpr env vRex ss
@ [ss b] | readExpr (SOME (sireReadKey ss nRex) :: env) bRex ss
| (ss, L v b)
= (readLetRecBinds acc rex ss ok)
| Ifz rex (ok ss | FillR 0 acc)
@ kids | rexKids rex
@ nKid | Sz kids
| Ifz (nKid==2 || nKid==3) | sireErr ss rex {invalid bind}
@ [keyRex valRex moreRex] kids
@ n | sireReadKey ss keyRex
| readLetRecBinds ([n valRex] :: acc) moreRex ss ok
= (readLetRec readExpr env rex ss)
@ kids@[vRex bRex moreRex] (rexKids rex)
| If (Sz kids /= 2) | sireErr ss rex {expected two params}
| If (rexRune vRex /= {=}) | sireErr ss rex {binder must be an (=) rune}
: ss binds < readLetRecBinds NIL vRex ss
@ names | Map fst binds
@ varRexes | Map snd binds
@ subenv | listWeld (listFromRow | Map SOME names) env
@ [ss binds] | mapState readExpr-subenv varRexes ss
@ [ss body ] | readExpr subenv bRex ss
| (ss, R binds body)
= (readKet readExpr env rex ss)
@ kids | rexKids rex
@ nKid | Sz kids
@ last | get kids Dec-nKid
| If (Lth nKid 2) | sireErr ss rex {expected at least two params}
@ [ss v] | readExpr env last ss
@ [ss b] | mapState readExpr-(SOME {_} :: env) (Take Dec-nKid kids) ss
| (ss, L v (apple_ b))
= (readAnonSig rex ss)
| If rexIsLeaf-rex | [(sireReadKey ss rex)]
| If (rexRune rex /= {|}) | sireErr ss rex {invalid lambda signature}
| Map sireReadKey-ss rexKids-rex
= (readAnonLam readExpr env rex ss)
@ kids | rexKids rex
@ nKid | Sz kids
| If (nKid /= 2) | sireErr ss rex {expected two params}
@ [sigRex bodRex] | kids
@ argNames | readAnonSig sigRex ss
@ [ss body] ^ readExpr _ bodRex ss
^ listWeld _ env
| listRev (NONE :: listFromRow (Map SOME argNames))
| (ss, F (LAM FALSE FALSE FALSE 0 Sz-argNames body))
= (readFuncHead rex ss)
| If (rexRune rex == {**})
@ kids@[keyRex] (rexKids rex)
| If (Sz kids /= 1)
| sireErr ss rex {invalid lambda name}
| (TRUE, sireReadKey ss keyRex)
| (FALSE, sireReadKey ss rex)
= (readWutSig rex ss)
| If rexIsLeaf-rex (ss, (FALSE, sireReadKey ss rex, []))
@ kids | rexKids rex
| If ((rexRune rex /= {|}) || Null kids)
| sireErr ss rex {invalid lambda signature}
@ [inl nam] | readFuncHead fst-kids ss
| (ss, (inl, nam, Map sireReadKey-ss (Drop 1 kids)))
= (mkF pin mark tag numArgs body)
@ isRecur (hasRefTo numArgs body)
| F (LAM pin mark isRecur tag numArgs body)
= (readLam pinned readExpr env rex ss)
@ kids@[sigRex bodRex] | rexKids rex
@ nKid | Sz kids
| If (nKid /= 2) | sireErr ss rex {expected two or three params}
@ [ss res@[inline f argNames]] | readWutSig sigRex ss
@ env2 ^ listWeld _ env
| listRev | listMap SOME (f :: listFromRow argNames)
@ nArg | Sz argNames
@ [ss body] | readExpr env2 bodRex ss
| (ss, mkF pinned inline f nArg body)
| else
= (readPrimLeaf readExpr blockRex env rex ss)
@ heir | rexHeir rex
@ invalid | sireErr ss rex {malformed leaf}
@ ifNotLeaf | If (rexStyle rex /= {WORD}) invalid
: macro < maybeCase (lookupVal {#} ss) invalid
@ [ss ex] | macro ss (PREF {#} [rex] 0)
| readExpr env ex ss
| If heir | readExpr env (OPEN {#} (rexSetHeir 0 rex, heir) 0) ss
: leaf < maybeCase (tryReadLeaf rex) ifNotLeaf
# simplecase leaf (sireErr ss leaf {readPrimLeaf: bad leaf})
- DECI n | (ss, K n)
- CORD c | (ss, K c)
- IDNT n | resolveUnqualified blockRex env n ss
= (readPinned _readExpr _env rex ss)
@ sons (rexSons rex)
| Ifz (Eq1 Sz-sons && Eqz rexHeir-rex) | sireErr ss rex {usage: ##3, ##foo}
| (ss, K Pin-(sireReadKey ss fst-sons))
= (readPrimExpr readExpr env rex ss)
: type style rune _ _ _ _ _ _ _ < rexOpen rex
# simpleswitch type (Die "impossible")
- {EMBD}
| (ss, K rexEmbd-rex)
- {LEAF}
| If (style == {LINE}) | (ss, K readMultiLine-rex)
| readPrimLeaf readExpr rex env rex ss
- {NODE}
^ _ readExpr env rex ss
# simpleswitch rune (sireErr ss rex {undefined rune})
- {|} | readAppExpr
- {#|} | readAppExpr
- {-} | readAppExpr
- {#-} | readAppExpr
- {**} | readLin
- {#**} | readLin
- {@} | readLet
- {#@} | readLet
- {@@} | readLetRec
- {#@@} | readLetRec
- {^} | readKet
- {#^} | readKet
- {&} | readAnonLam
- {#&} | readAnonLam
- {?} | readLam FALSE
- {#?} | readLam FALSE
- {??} | readLam TRUE
- {#??} | readLam TRUE
- {.} | readRefr
- {#.} | readRefr
- {##} | readPinned
- {###} | readPinned
= (readExpr e rex ss)
@ noMacro | readPrimExpr readExpr e rex ss
| Ifz rexIsNode-rex | noMacro
: macro < maybeCase (lookupVal rexRune-rex ss) noMacro
@ [ss expo] | macro ss rex
| readExpr e expo ss
(evalExpr rex st0)=(pairMap evalSire | readExpr NIL rex st0)
= (isExpRune rune)
| Has rune , {|} {#|} {-} {#-} {**} {#**} {@} {#@} {@@} {#@@} {^} {#^}
{&} {#&} {?} {#?} {??} {#??} {.} {#.} {##} {###}
= (execBind rx (nm, expr) ss@SIRE_STATE[nex ctx scope modules lino blk])
@ !val | Force (evalSire expr)
@ !pin | Pin (BIND nex val expr ctx nm 0)
@ !nex | Inc nex
@ !ss | SIRE_STATE nex ctx (bstPut scope nm pin) modules lino blk
| Trace nm
| (ss, val)
= (readLawBinder ss sigRex)
@ kids@[hedRex] (rexKids sigRex)
@ hedKids (rexKids hedRex)
@ hedRune (rexRune hedRex)
| If (Null kids || (rexRune sigRex /= {|})) | sireErr ss sigRex {bad law sig}
^ (_, Map sireReadKey-ss (Drop 1 kids))
| If hedRune/={**} (FALSE, sireReadKey ss hedRex)
| Ifz (Eq1 | Sz-hedKids) | sireErr ss sigRex {bad binder}
| (TRUE, sireReadKey ss (fst hedKids))
= (readBindBody bb rex ss)
@ left & _ | NIL
@ right & [[_ self] args] | listRev | listMap SOME (self :: listFromRow args)
| readExpr (eitherCase bb left right) rex ss
= (readBindCmd ss rex rexes@[sg exprRex])
| Ifz (Eq2 Sz-rexes) | sireErr ss rex {expected two or three params}
@ binder | maybeCase tryReadKey-sg RIGHT-(readLawBinder ss sg) LEFT
@ [ss expr] | readBindBody binder exprRex ss
^ (ss, eitherCase binder v&(v, expr) _)
& [[doInline tagName] argNames]
| (tagName, mkF TRUE doInline tagName Sz-argNames expr)
= (doDefine acc rex ss)
@ heir (rexHeir rex)
| If (rexRune rex == rexRune heir)
@ [ss tb] | readBindCmd ss rex (rexSons rex)
@ [ss v1] | execBind rex tb ss
| doDefine (Snoc acc v1) heir ss
@ [ss tb] | readBindCmd ss rex rexKids-rex
@ [ss v1] | execBind rex tb ss
| (ss, Snoc acc v1)
= (switchToContext newCtx SIRE_STATE[nex oldCtx scope oldMods lino block])
^ SIRE_STATE nex newCtx bstEmpty _ 1 block
| Ifz oldCtx oldMods
| bstPut oldMods oldCtx Pin-(bstSave scope)
= (doEnter topRex ss)
@ kids | rexKids topRex
@ nKid | Sz kids
@ dead | sireErr ss topRex {malformed module header}
| If Eq1-nKid
@ [targetRex] | kids
@ target | sireReadKey ss targetRex
| Ifz (sireContext ss || bstIsEmpty (sireScope ss))
| sireErr ss topRex {broken pre-condition}
| (switchToContext target ss, 0)
| If Eq2-nKid
@ [targetRex beforeForm] kids
@ beforeSons (rexSons beforeForm)
| If || (rexRune beforeForm /= {<-})
|| (rexHeir beforeForm /= 0)
| (Sz beforeSons /= 1)
@ target | sireReadKey ss targetRex
@ wasJustAt | sireReadKey ss fst-beforeSons
| If (sireContext ss /= wasJustAt)
| sireErr ss topRex {broken pre-condition}
| (switchToContext target ss, 0)
| dead
= (fmtAssert x y)
^ OPEN "=?=" [_] 0
| OPEN "*" [x]
| OPEN "*" [y]
| 0
= (doAssert rex ss)
@ kids@[xr yr] | rexKids rex
| If (Sz kids /= 2) | sireErr ss rex {#=?= requires two parameters}
@ [ss xe] | readExpr NIL xr ss
@ [ss ye] | readExpr NIL yr ss
@ xv | evalSire xe
@ yv | evalSire ye
| Trace (fmtAssert xr yr)
| If xv==yv (ss, xv)
| Trace (fmtAssert EMBD-xv EMBD-yv)
| sireErr ss rex {assertion failed}
= (doMultiAssert rex ss)
@ ryn (rexRune rex)
^ _ NIL rex ss
? (go acc rex ss)
@ heir (rexHeir rex)
| If (Eqz heir || (rexRune heir /= ryn))
@ [ss val] | doAssert rex ss
| (ss, FillR 0 val::acc)
@ [ss val] | doAssert (rexSetHeir 0 rex) ss
| go val::acc heir ss
= (doFilter ryn acc rex ss)
| Ifz rex ^ (sireScopeSet (bstFromPairsList _) ss, 0)
: k < listForEach acc
: v < bstSearchCase k (**sireScope ss) | sireErr ss varE-k {undefined}
| [k v]
| If (rexRune rex /= ryn) | sireErr ss rex {bad export-filter syntax}
@ syms | Map sireReadKey-ss rexSons-rex
@ acc | listWeld (listFromRow syms) acc
| doFilter ryn acc (rexHeir rex) ss
= (importModule rex modu mWhite ss)
@ otherScope
: modPin < bstSearchCase modu sireModules-ss
(sireErr ss rex {undefined module})
| If IsPin-modPin (PinItem modPin)
| sireErr ss rex {corrupted sire state; module is not a pin}
@ oldScope (sireScope ss)
^ sireScopeSet _ ss
: whitelist < maybeCase mWhite (bstUnion (bstLoad otherScope) oldScope)
| foldl (acc kv & bstPut acc fst-kv snd-kv) oldScope
: k < foreach whitelist
| dictSearchCase k otherScope (sireErr ss (TEXT k 0) {undefined symbol})
(_ bind & [k bind])
= (doImport ryn blockRex ss)
^ _ ss blockRex
? (go ss rex)
| Ifz rex (ss, 0)
@ bad | sireErr ss rex {bad import}
@ sons | rexSons rex
@ nSon | Sz sons
| If (rexRune rex /= ryn) bad
| If (nSon == 1)
@ [moduleRex] | sons
@ modu | sireReadKey ss moduleRex
@ ss | importModule blockRex modu NONE ss
| go ss (rexHeir rex)
| If (nSon == 2)
@ [moduleRex ilist] sons
@ modu | sireReadKey ss moduleRex
@ syms | Ifz (Eql {,} rexRune-ilist && Eqz rexHeir-ilist) bad
| Map sireReadKey-ss rexSons-ilist
@ ss | importModule blockRex modu SOME-syms ss
| go ss (rexHeir rex)
| bad
= (executeSire rex ss)
@ rune | rexRune rex
@ doMulti | (rex ss)&(mapState executeSire rexKids-rex ss)
@ noMacro
^ _ rex ss
| Ifz rexIsNode-rex evalExpr
# simpleswitch rune | If isExpRune-rune evalExpr
| sireErr ss rex {undefined rune}
- {#=} | doDefine []
- {=} | doDefine []
- {####} | doEnter
- {*} | doMulti
- {#*} | doMulti
- {^-^} | doFilter rune NIL
- {#^-^} | doFilter rune NIL
- {=?=} | doMultiAssert
- {#=?=} | doMultiAssert
- {#:|} | doImport rune
- {:|} | doImport rune
: macro < maybeCase (lookupVal rune ss) noMacro
@ [ss expo] | macro ss rex
| executeSire expo ss
= (consumeLines buf)
@ wid (ByteSz buf)
^ _ 0 0
? (go acc off)
@ ix (strElemIndexOff newlineChar off buf)
| If ix==wid | (acc, ByteDrop off buf)
@ sliceSz | Sub ix off
@ acc | acc (ByteSlice off sliceSz buf)
| go acc Inc-(Add off sliceSz)
= (sireRepl output prevLino ss bs buf rawInput)
@ eof | Eqz rawInput
@ (lines, buf) | consumeLines
| strWeld buf (If eof newlineChar rawInput)
@ lines | (If eof (Snoc _ NONE) _)^(Map SOME lines)
@ (bs, blocks)
^ _ bs NIL (listFromRow lines)
? (go bs acc lines)
: line lines < listCase lines (bs, listCat (listRev acc))
@ (bs, frags) | rexStep bs line
| go bs (CONS frags acc) lines
@ [!ss newLino]
^ listFoldl _ [ss prevLino] blocks
& ([ss prevLino] [newLino rex])
@ newLines | Sub newLino prevLino
@ ss | sireLineNumSet (Add newLines | sireLineNum ss)
| sireBlockSet rex
| ss
@ [!ss _out] | executeSire rex ss
| [ss newLino]
| Ifz eof (0, sireRepl output newLino ss bs buf)
: main < maybeCase (lookupVal {main} ss) Die-{main is not bound}
(output main, {NO MORE INPUT})
= (runSireRepl save)
| sireRepl save 0 (SIRE_STATE 1 0 0 0 0 '()) (BS {REPL} 1 WOODS) ""
main=(runSireRepl _&1)